Patient Presentation
ID: Mr. Dawson is a 67 y/o male residing in the VA LTC since 4/2016. He was admitted due to cognitive decline and being unsafe at home alone.
Informant: self and medical records. Pt. has a h/o dementia so is a somewhat unreliable historian
CC: “My throat hurts when I eat” x a few days
67 y/o obese male with a PMH of schizophrenia, HTN, PTSD, COPD Dementia, secondary polycythemia, BPH, OA, seizure disorder, HLD and CAD complains today of occasional burning pain in his chest. Pt. states worsening, intermittent burning sensation in his chest has been going on for a while, but now he has sharp pain in his throat when he swallows solid food (but not so much with liquids unless they are very hot) for a few days. He reports that pain in his chest worsens at night and makes him feel “like I’m hungry”. This also occurs when he takes a nap after lunch. He states the chest pain is non-radiating, non-pleuritic, and not affected by respiration. He denies sore tongue. There is no nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, SOB, diaphoresis, bloating, cough, dizziness, syncope, DOE, fever, chills, dyspnea, or headache.
Working Differential Diagnosis
· Esophageal stricture
· Esophagitis – a lot of medications (esp for OA)
· R/O cardiac issues
· Esophageal cancer
· Barret’s esophagus
- Seizure disorder
- Polycythemia (secondary to COPD)
- OA
- Dementia
- Schizophrenia
No past surgical Hx
Family Hx: – Declines to give any
Social Hx – Used to live alone until he developed cognitive deficits and the living situation became unsafe. Sister is next of kin who lives about 10 blocks away. Smokes 1 cigarette/day for last 4 years, but used to smoke 1ppd (40 pack-years history). Denies any ETOH/Illicit drug use. Pt. is independent with all ADLS, transfers and ambulates without any assistive devices.
Served in Vietnam 1971-1972. Later diagnosed with PTSD
Allergies: PCN à rash
HEENT: Denies ear pain, hearing changes, facial pain,
As previously noted, c/o dysphagia for solids and hot liquids, but not cool liquids
Neck: denies stiffness or swelling/swollen glands
CVS: Endorses intermittent burning chest pain, especially at night without dyspnea, SOB, or radiation
Pain not associated with respiration, but worse when supine at night and when napping in afternoon.
Pain accompanied by sensation of hunger. No DOE, palpitations, ankle swelling, PND, Orthopnea
Pulmonary: Denies SOB, dyspnea, cough
GI: occasional constipation. No N/V/D, abdominal pain, changes in BM, bloating, anorexia, blood in stools, hemorrhoids
GU: Admits frequency, hesitancy, and dribbling. Denies incontinence, dysuria, nocturia, urgency, flank pain, hematuria, urethral discharge
MSK: Reports multiple joint pains with chronic OA – especially knees and shoulders which he attributes to working in construction for many years carrying heavy materials. Pt. is taking ibuprofen for joint pain which helps minimize the pain.
Neurologic: Denies memory issues. Endorses long H/O seizure disorder, but no seizures in many years. Denies HA, dizziness, slurring speech, paresthesia, paresis, tremors
Psychiatric: Long h/o schizophrenia- followed in psych clinic. Also has diagnosis of PTSD, but status of symptoms now is unclear. Denies depression, anhedonia, nightmares, suicidal or homicidal ideation.
Endocrine: Denies cold/heat intolerance, polyphagia, polydipsia
Heme: Denies fever, jaundice, fatigue, generalized weakness, easy bruising or bleeding
VS: T 98.2, oral, HR 86bpm, regular, RR 19 unlabored, BP 143/93 seated, left arm, SpO2 95% on RA, Ht 74”, Wt 287 lbs, BMI 36.8 – hasn’t changed in 6 months
Gen: Well-developed and obese male. Alert and oriented x 3, NAD, Compliant to exam. Dressed and groomed appropriately
Skin: Warm and dry, good turgor
Head: NCAT
Eyes: clear sclera and conjunctivae, PERRLA, EOMs full without nystagmus
Ears: hearing intact to whisper test, clear canals. Slight cerumen present in both canals, but TMs visualized and without lesions.
Mouth/Throat: Oral mucosa moist and pink. Missing two premolars. Mild periodontal disease noted. Tonsils are normal in size, free of exudates. Oropharynx normal. Tongue midline. Uvula rises symmetrically, tongue protrudes in midline
Neck: supple, no JVD, No thyromegaly, no adenopathy. Carotids 2+ without bruits
Heart: RRR, Normal S1 and S2, no M/R/G
Lung AP-Lat diameter increased, Clear on inspiration, but with slightly prolonged expiration and mild wheezing at end-expiration bilaterally when asked to blow a deep breath out, no accessory muscle use
Abd: Large, soft, non-tender. No masses, lesions, or pulsations noted. No organomegaly. Liver edge firm. No guarding or rebound tenderness
GU: No inguinal adenopathy, no suprapubic tenderness. Genital and rectal exam deferred Why is this a problem in this patient?
MSK: Grossly normal with good ROM all 4 extremities. No joint swelling or deformity Is this an adequate exam of this system in this patient? What simple test could be done to get a general functional sense?
Neuro: MMSE (22/30); Difficulty with Serial 7’s (unable to continue after 2nd number), failed recall of 3 subjects. Not able to write a sentence with a noun and a verb
CN: as above. Also V1-V3 intact, no facial asymmetry, equal elevation of palate, SCM/Trap 5/5
Motor: normal bulk and tone. Strength symmetric, decreased knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion bilaterally. No tremors. No pronator drift
Sensory: to pinprick intact all 4 distal extremities
DTR’s: 2+ throughout. No clonus. Toes down-going
Coordination: No dysmetria noted on Finger-to-Nose
Gait normal
Extremities: No edema, clubbing, cyanosis